A Red Day

I am behind on everything.

I haven’t posted about Michael’s last fight, which ended in defeat but not despair. Update pending.

Johnny has been battling scarlet fever. Scarlet fever! It’s still a thing, though the Mayo Clinic tells me that there are fewer than 20,000 cases per year. This has lead to many Little House on the Prairie-style jokes in our family group chat. He is recovering slowly. I’ve never seen him this tired before. He didn’t even complain about missing his weekend basketball game. By the way, Johnny is convinced that canned pineapple will cure him of all ailments. There are cans all over the house.

On a sad note, Michael and I attended the memorial service for Mr. Wolff. Touching post to be shared in the near future.

Becky was in the ER last night for yet another round of viral croup. This was her fourth ER visit since October. When the triage team asked me if Becky had been to the hospital before, I laughed.

I am tired. I am overwhelmed. I am typing this wearing my Christmas pajamas, my fourth cup of coffee brewing in the kitchen. Emergency sirens are going off and the kids’ school just emailed that tornado protocols are being followed.

Life feels like a tornado right now.

And then the most exciting text hit my phone. A reminder that the sun rises as spring training begins in Jupiter, Florida.

I love the color red.

8 thoughts on “A Red Day

  1. Kathleen, your life is so boringly dull-I cannot believe you are still in Christmas pj’s🎄 With blessings, hugs and prayers, Aunt Cynthia❤️☘️


  2. One day you will look back at this time and think “How did I get through it with my sanity?” You will remember the trip to the ED and laughing at the nurse……you are amazing and have the ability to see the glass half full. A wise person said “this too shall pass” and you will miss them being young.


  3. Wishing Johnny well
    I remember have Scarlet Fever
    No fun special prayer for Johnny
    Katherine I don’t know how you do it There is a special place for you Upper Above
    The Cardinals are my Gandson favorite team
    God bless your family
    Love Dorothy


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