Beckygram: Life Lessons

It’s been quiet around Mom’s blog recently. Just last week, she had surgery and her recovery has been slow with some unanticipated complications. She is starting to feel better but needs quite a bit of rest.

This was a planned procedure and she doesn’t want people to worry. Suffice it to say that after welcoming 8 children into the world, Mom is a bit like Humpty Dumpty. Her surgeon did a fabulous job of putting her back together again.

My older siblings are stepping up around the house, learning first hand what it takes to keep laundry going, food flowing, and the household in a semi-presentable state. It takes a village. And a nightly Christmas movie.

Today, while Mom took some time to plan the holiday menu, I decided to give her some space. I think everyone learned an important life lesson.

Silence may be golden. But rather destructive.

8 thoughts on “Beckygram: Life Lessons

  1. Feel better Kathleen
    Your family is in charge now and they have learned well
    Wishing you all the best And sending prayers
    May your Christmas be wonderful with the Christ Child giving you all the est
    Merry Christmas
    Love Dorothy


  2. I am sure that Becky is not the “first of eight” to get into this mischief… as the Brits say:” cherrio(s)”. Kathleen, hugs & prayers. Merry Christmas to all the Rauches, love Uncle Jon & Aunt Cynthia❤️☘️


  3. No better time than the very quiet, uneventful, month of
    December to schedule surgery. Wish I were there to help but tbh, I’d probably just snuggle Becky and be no help at all.


  4. Kathleen, hope you’re feeling much better real soon! What a joy having all your children home for Christmas, Becky will enjoy all the hugs and attention. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the Rauch’s!


  5. Hope your recovery is going well, Kathleen. Remember when you worried about Becky’s oral intake and you couldn’t wait for her to take everything orally?
    Your wish has been granted! :).


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